designed for the way women work.

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Mount Vernon: George Washington’s Estate

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Earlier this month, I had the privilege of visiting George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate in the beautiful State of Virginia. (I had not been there since 8th grade!)  This historic landmark was Washington's home as well as his resting place, and is the most visited historic home in America.  Over the years, it has been well preserved by The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association so tourists may come and learn history and marvel at its beauty. While there were many breathtaking structures…
Earlier this month, I had the privilege of visiting George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate in the beautiful State of Virginia. (I had not been there since 8th grade!)  This historic landmark was Washington's home as well as his resting place, and is the most visited historic home in America.  Over the years, it has been well preserved by The Mount Vernon…

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The Beautiful and Rare Osa Pulchra from Costa Rica

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

I recently had the pleasure of visiting the NY Botanical Garden Orchid Show, where one plant seemed to stand out above the rest, and it's not even an orchid. Osa pulchra is a member of the coffee family Rubiaceae. Many other species of plants in the same coffee family possess trumpet-shaped flowers like Osa pulchra. However this plant has large, showy, trumpet-shaped flowers that are cotton-white against shiny green leaves. Unfortunately, however, it's also an extremely rare plant that's quite difficult to grow in…
I recently had the pleasure of visiting the NY Botanical Garden Orchid Show, where one plant seemed to stand out above the rest, and it's not even an orchid. Osa pulchra is a member of the coffee family Rubiaceae. Many other species of plants in the same coffee family possess trumpet-shaped flowers like Osa pulchra. However this plant has large, showy, trumpet-shaped…

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Cercis Canadensis and Cercis Chinensis

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Have you heard of the Cercis canadensis (Eastern Redbud) or Cercis chinensis (Chinese Redbud) before? These two medium to large sized plants bloom with bold pink/magenta-colored flowers that are a real treat to any garden or lawn. If you are looking for a colorful addition to your home's exterior, you simply can't go wrong with either of these choices. Here we'll take a closer look at both Cercis canadensis and Cercis chinensis, covering some…
Have you heard of the Cercis canadensis (Eastern Redbud) or Cercis chinensis (Chinese Redbud) before? These two medium to large sized plants bloom with bold pink/magenta-colored flowers that are a real treat to any garden or lawn. If you are looking for a colorful addition to your home's exterior, you simply can't go wrong…

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Popular Easter-Time Plants and Flowers

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

With Easter Sunday just days away, people everywhere are frantically trying to make last minute preparations. If you plan on having guests or family members over for the holiday, you should consider using some plants or flowers to bring a fresh new decorative element to your home. The vibrant colors and pleasing aromas they offer are sure to draw compliments from guests. If you are wondering which ones to choose, keep reading and I'll reveal the top 5 Easter-time plants and…
With Easter Sunday just days away, people everywhere are frantically trying to make last minute preparations. If you plan on having guests or family members over for the holiday, you should consider using some plants or flowers to bring a fresh new decorative element to your home. The vibrant colors and pleasing aromas they offer are sure to draw compliments from…

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My Favorite Houseplant: Streptocarpella Saxorum

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

There are lots of houseplants which I love, but my favorite would have to be streptocarpella saxorum. The tongue-twisting name alone might dissuade some potential homeowners from growing this plant, but chances are you'll immediately fall in love after seeing it for the first time. It's also quite easy to grow, requires minimal light and maintenance, and it blooms year round. If you are looking for an easy-to-grow…
There are lots of houseplants which I love, but my favorite would have to be streptocarpella saxorum. The tongue-twisting name alone might dissuade some potential homeowners from growing this plant, but chances are you'll immediately fall in love after seeing it for the first time. It's also quite…

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Does A Sudden Cold Snap Harm My Spring Bulbs?

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Mother nature can be quite unpredictable to say the least. Sometimes in early Spring after bulbs have emerged from the ground and are beginning to flower, a sudden cold snap will bring temperatures down below freezing for a few days.  I always wonder what will happen to those delicate plants when temperatures fall so unexpectedly.  More often than not, I'm amazed at the resiliency of these hardy plants. The exact effect caused by a sudden cold snap…
Mother nature can be quite unpredictable to say the least. Sometimes in early Spring after bulbs have emerged from the ground and are beginning to flower, a sudden cold snap will bring temperatures down below freezing for a few days.  I always wonder what will happen to those delicate plants when temperatures fall so unexpectedly.  More often than not, I'm amazed at the…

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Nature’s Own Antifreeze

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Have you ever wondered how certain plants are able to withstand sub-freezing temperatures and bloom even with the ground blanketed by snow and ice? The secret to their longevity lies in compounds known as antifreeze proteins (AFP), which work to protect the plant's cells from the degenerative effects of freezing temperatures. It may sound like science fiction, but some plants have cells that don't freeze. Here we'll take a closer look at…
Have you ever wondered how certain plants are able to withstand sub-freezing temperatures and bloom even with the ground blanketed by snow and ice? The secret to their longevity lies in compounds known as antifreeze proteins (AFP), which work to protect the plant's cells from the degenerative effects of freezing temperatures. It…

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“The Curious Gardener” July 2012

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love By Kristin Kimball-- I was charmed by this book, the story of a pair of first generation farmers building a working farm in upstate New York, powered by draft horses. There’s enough practical information in the book to be instructive to other young farmers inspired to follow in this couple’s footsteps, but for me the book’s charm lies with the story telling talent of the author Kristin Kimball (shown below). At the beginning…
The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love By Kristin Kimball-- I was charmed by this book, the story of a pair of first generation farmers building a working farm in upstate New York, powered by draft horses. There’s enough practical information in the book to be instructive to other young farmers inspired to follow in this couple’s footsteps, but for…

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“The Curious Gardener” April, 2012

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

In This Issue: The Hunger Moon and Other Moons New Study Pinpoints Lyme Disease Risk Areas The Hunger Moon and Other Moons-- In The Old Farmers Almanac there is a name given to each full moon of the year. These are mostly adapted from early Native Americans who kept track of the passing seasons and tied their calendar to the full moons.   I was reminded of this last week by a friend who told me we were in “The Hunger…
In This Issue: The Hunger Moon and Other Moons New Study Pinpoints Lyme Disease Risk Areas The Hunger Moon and Other Moons-- In The Old Farmers Almanac there is a name given to each full moon of the year. These are mostly adapted from early Native Americans who kept track of the passing seasons and tied their calendar to the…

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“The Curious Gardener” February, 2012

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

In this issue: Tips on Navigating Mail Order Seed Catalogs Feeding the Hungry: Just Do It! Gardeners Make Their Resolutions for 2011: The Winners Are… Navigating Mail Order Seed Catalogs-- A seasoned mail order gardener will tell you that the gardening year begins in the dead of winter when seed catalogs start arriving, long before local garden centers open their doors for spring.  I have finally joined the ranks of those who will be growing from seed this year –…
In this issue: Tips on Navigating Mail Order Seed Catalogs Feeding the Hungry: Just Do It! Gardeners Make Their Resolutions for 2011: The Winners Are… Navigating Mail Order Seed Catalogs-- A seasoned mail order gardener will tell you that the gardening year begins in the dead of winter when seed catalogs start arriving, long before local garden centers open their…

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