designed for the way women work.

vaccinating a dog

“The Curious Gardener” April, 2012

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

In This Issue: The Hunger Moon and Other Moons New Study Pinpoints Lyme Disease Risk Areas The Hunger Moon and Other Moons-- In The Old Farmers Almanac there is a name given to each full moon of the year. These are mostly adapted from early Native Americans who kept track of the passing seasons and tied their calendar to the full moons.   I was reminded of this last week by a friend who told me we were in “The Hunger…
In This Issue: The Hunger Moon and Other Moons New Study Pinpoints Lyme Disease Risk Areas The Hunger Moon and Other Moons-- In The Old Farmers Almanac there is a name given to each full moon of the year. These are mostly adapted from early Native Americans who kept track of the passing seasons and tied their calendar to the…

vaccinating a dog

My Six Autumn Tips for the Edible Garden

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

It is time to think about putting your garden to bed, harvesting your crops and preparing for next year’s garden. Here are some of my fall tips for the edible garden. Be Safe—The Society of American Hand Therapists recently announced that wearing gardening gloves was at the top of their list for preventing gardening injuries. Womanswork has a pair to suit every hand, task and season. In this month's Martha Stewart Living, she features the Womanswork Goatskin Glove as one of her "Finds" for…
It is time to think about putting your garden to bed, harvesting your crops and preparing for next year’s garden. Here are some of my fall tips for the edible garden. Be Safe—The Society of American Hand Therapists recently announced that wearing gardening gloves was at the top of their list for preventing gardening injuries. Womanswork has a pair to suit every hand, task…

vaccinating a dog

Connecting Gardening and Food, and Fighting Hunger

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Womanswork hosted another evening meal at The Lunch Box in Poughkeepsie last week. On a typical evening The Lunch Box serves 150 people who need a hot meal. They also serve lunch on week days but this has expanded to include dinners whenever they can get volunteers like us to do it. The numbers of people in need of services like this have been growing here in Dutchess County, NY, like everywhere else.  Nora…
Womanswork hosted another evening meal at The Lunch Box in Poughkeepsie last week. On a typical evening The Lunch Box serves 150 people who need a hot meal. They also serve lunch on week days but this has expanded to include dinners whenever they can get volunteers like us to do it. The numbers…

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