designed for the way women work.

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Talking Deer Resistant Plants with Ruth Rogers Clausen

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Earlier this week Ruth Rogers Clausen met my mother and me at White Flower Farm in Litchfield County, CT. I wanted to catch up with Ruth on the topic of her new book, coming out in June (Timber Press). The title is 50 Beautiful Deer Resistant Plants, and I thought our visit to White Flower Farm provided a good opportunity to ask her what some of her favorite deer resistant…
Earlier this week Ruth Rogers Clausen met my mother and me at White Flower Farm in Litchfield County, CT. I wanted to catch up with Ruth on the topic of her new book, coming out in June (Timber Press). The title is 50 Beautiful Deer Resistant Plants, and I thought…

vaccinating a dog

How to treat forsythia and other old-fashioned spring shrubs by Ruth Clausen

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

No other shrub personifies the brash exuberance of spring like forsythia. At this time of year it is blooming in almost every garden as hedges, clipped and unclipped, along roadways, and even on the edge of woods. Sometimes it looks wonderful, but at other times it is obviously a case of wrong plant, wrong place. Forsythia shrubs have a beautiful, naturally elegant habit that is destroyed by…
No other shrub personifies the brash exuberance of spring like forsythia. At this time of year it is blooming in almost every garden as hedges, clipped and unclipped, along roadways, and even on the edge of woods. Sometimes it looks wonderful, but at other times it is…

vaccinating a dog

“Indoor Holiday Bulbs” by Dorian Winslow

Category: How-To Projects

Fragrant Paperwhites and Amaryllis are now a part of my Christmas tradition. I like to have paperwhites blooming on Christmas day and I enjoy amaryllis throughout the winter. I stagger the planting so there's always something blooming. For paperwhites allow 3-5 weeks from planting to blooming. You can extend the bloom time by keeping them in a cool room at night. Otherwise, blossoms can be fleeting.  For Amaryllis, allow 5-8 weeks from planting to bloom time, but each blossom can last for two…
Fragrant Paperwhites and Amaryllis are now a part of my Christmas tradition. I like to have paperwhites blooming on Christmas day and I enjoy amaryllis throughout the winter. I stagger the planting so there's always something blooming. For paperwhites allow 3-5 weeks from planting to blooming. You can extend the bloom time by keeping them in a cool room at night.…

vaccinating a dog

“Creating A Landscape Berm” by Dorian Winslow

Category: How-To Projects

Early last Spring I woke up one morning and decided that what my yard needed was a berm.  Most berms, or mounds, are designed for privacy to block an unwanted view of the street or a neighbor's backyard. By creating a little hill and planting it with trees and other vegetation you can create a very attractive and effective screen. Fences are often used for this purpose too, but a berm is a more natural-looking solution.  …
Early last Spring I woke up one morning and decided that what my yard needed was a berm.  Most berms, or mounds, are designed for privacy to block an unwanted view of the street or a neighbor's backyard. By creating a little hill and planting it with trees and other vegetation you can create a very attractive and effective screen. Fences are…

vaccinating a dog

“Making A Garden Bench” by Dorian Winslow

Category: How-To Projects

We keep our garden shoes outside the kitchen door, just steps from the herb garden, but when it rains they can get wet inside. We also use this handy spot on our deck for hand tools and garden gloves and plants that are waiting to be put in the ground. It was always messy looking, so I decided we needed a bench to organize things. …
We keep our garden shoes outside the kitchen door, just steps from the herb garden, but when it rains they can get wet inside. We also use this handy spot on our deck for hand tools and garden gloves and plants that are waiting to be put in the ground. It was always messy looking, so I decided we needed a…

vaccinating a dog

“Making A Cement Trough” by Dorian Winslow

Category: How-To Projects

This weekend I invited a friend over to try a "recipe" for cement troughs with me. She was game. We started at 9 am and we were finished by 10:30, with our creations tucked snugly in plastic bags to set overnight. [caption id="attachment_348" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="After patting the cement mixture into the molds and poking drainage holes in the bottom, they were ready to…
This weekend I invited a friend over to try a "recipe" for cement troughs with me. She was game. We started at 9 am and we were finished by 10:30, with our creations tucked snugly in plastic bags to set overnight. [caption id="attachment_348" align="alignleft"…

vaccinating a dog

“Getting Your Perennial Garden to Keep On Blooming” by Ruth Rogers Clausen

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

By August, does it feel like the best is over in your garden? Spring and summer bloom is usually abundant, but by late summer the garden may look tired. With just a little extra care you can make your display last until early Fall by growing perennials that keep blooming throughout the season, or produce a second flush later in the season. "Off with their heads" should be your mantra. The act of…
By August, does it feel like the best is over in your garden? Spring and summer bloom is usually abundant, but by late summer the garden may look tired. With just a little extra care you can make your display last until early Fall by growing perennials that keep blooming throughout the season, or produce a second flush later in…

vaccinating a dog

Viva Las Vegas!

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

The biggest trade show of the year is always The National Hardware Show in Las Vegas. Thousands of people in the hardware and lawn and garden industries descend on the glitzy Las Vegas strip for 3 show days at the Convention Center. The Womanswork booth looked very inviting with its company branded directors chairs, its displays brimming with garden gloves, sun hats and Garden Wheels, and our famous video playing in the background…
The biggest trade show of the year is always The National Hardware Show in Las Vegas. Thousands of people in the hardware and lawn and garden industries descend on the glitzy Las Vegas strip for 3 show days at the Convention Center. The Womanswork booth looked very inviting with its…

vaccinating a dog

Greenhouses Come in all Shapes and Sizes

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Our greenhouse is moving along slowly, thank you very much. In the meantime, I have noticed that greenhouses come in all shapes and sizes.  For instance, my mother has a "greenhouse" of the type I would put in quotation marks. She lives 35 miles north of me in Sharon, CT.  This morning we visited a couple of garden centers in her neighborhood and presented the Womanswork line of garden gloves, then we went to her house…
Our greenhouse is moving along slowly, thank you very much. In the meantime, I have noticed that greenhouses come in all shapes and sizes.  For instance, my mother has a "greenhouse" of the type I would put in quotation marks. She lives 35 miles north of me in Sharon, CT.  This morning we visited a couple…

ok ask black house