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Search results for: 'garden'

Suggested search terms: gardens, gardeners, garden c, garden gloves, gardening, garden glove, garden s, the garden, gardener, gardeners pr

Items 51 to 60 of 63 total

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  •   Children and gardening go together naturally, but too few kids experience the fun of getting down into the dirt.  Try these projects to get them interested and don't forget kids garden gloves to protect their hands.   What sounds like more fun to a child than growing garbage on a windowsill?  For a "Garbage Garden" start with carrots and pineapples, potatoes, and other vegetable waste bound for the garbage pail. It's educational and inexpensive too. There's no need for pots either....
  • It's been a rainier winter and spring than most here in the northeast, and many of us are having issues with drainage in places we never had them before. In some cases it might be best to wait and see if the problem persists or if the excessive rainfall is just an aberration. [caption id="attachment_3235" align="alignleft" width="291"] My herb garden before remediation[/caption] In my case I have an herb garden that hugs the back of our house and extends about 12’ off the deck and patio. This spring...
  • We are thrilled to be featured in the Early Spring 2016 issue of Country Gardens, a high circulation magazine published by Meredith. Last Spring we were visited by Matthew Benson, award-winning garden photographer, who took the lovely photos of our greenhouse. Then over the summer Irene Virag and her husband spent the afternoon with us for the story. She is a lovely person who won a Pulitzer prize for her journalism. Click here to be taken to a flipbook version of the entire article.
  • We have decided to give away 3 pairs of garden gloves this week because we liked so many of your comments and gardening resolutions. We are sending a pair to Taylor who is 14, because we were inspired that someone so young dreams about gardening; we are sending a pair to LaManda Joy because we like her idea of teaching 5 people to garden and asking them to teach 5 others; and finally we are also sending a pair of gloves to Ann Carranza who is resolved to plant something in her vegetable garden that she has ...
  •   The following is reprinted from the original article published last October in The Curious Gardener. Since then Jennifer has been "hard at work on a book for Timber Press - focusing on the current state of women working with plants - due in stores Fall of 2019!"  We featured Jennifer on hang tags on our gloves because we were inspired by her story. Jennifer Jewell is a gardener and writer who takes as much pleasure in the ritual of gardening as she does in thinking, writing and talking about ...
  • Watching the hummingbirds at my feeder is always a joy. Being in the Northeast I get ruby-throated hummingbirds, the most common here, and last year three females vied for the nectar in two feeders, one in front and one in back of my house. This year there is at least one male among the females. The hummingbirds are just one of the pollinators I try to support. In spring I don’t mow the dandelions, ajuga or the buttercups to allow the bumblebees to forage. A little later, my apple blossoms attract more...
  • [caption id="attachment_1457" align="alignleft" width="180"] Stretch #1[/caption] Best Exercises for Gardeners-- I asked my favorite physical therapist, Mallory Aquilino, of Brewster Physical Therapy, what exercises she would recommend to prepare for gardening season. She recommended some stretches from VH1 and these are my favorite three. I try to do the stretches in the morning and evening everyday. The first two are especially good for the back. In Stretch #1, pull one knee in to your chest until ...
  • The vegetable garden at Bunny Williams’ property in Falls Village, Connecticut, where professional gardener Tricia van Oers is employed, is all about relationships. Bunny calls Tricia 'the soul of the garden' and says she has never eaten so well. Tricia is equally complimentary of her employer. “Bunny lets me feel a sense of ownership of the garden. She allows for playfulness and freedom within the established design of the garden,” says Tricia. Their paths first crossed in the summer of 2018 wh...
  • [This is a story I published several years ago on Mother's Day. My mom is now nearly 98 and is still enjoying her garden at her cottage in Salisbury, Connecticut where she lives with a companion, though she has hung up her garden gloves and tools.  The story speaks to a love of gardening instilled by someone we love.] My mother is a vigorous lifelong gardener with a variety of gardens on her property in Sharon, CT in the northwestern corner of the state, and a small pond which provides a focal point beh...
  •   Kiftsgate sits dramatically on the edge of the Cotswolds escarpment in Gloucestershire County, England, an hour’s drive from Oxford and 2 ½ from London. The name Kiftsgate is thought to be the name of an old saxon meeting place, marked by a stone that rests nearby to this day. [caption id="attachment_3014" align="alignright" width="300"] Four Squares at Kiftsgate Court[/caption] When Anne Chambers, the present owner, was raising her 3 children in London they would visit Kiftsgate, her chi...

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