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Pruning Shrubs–Not So Fast With the Silvery Shrubs, by Ruth Rogers Clausen

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

So spring is here and the summer and fall-blooming shrubs need to be pruned—right? Well, yes and no. Don't be in a rush. Beware of pruning too early, especially those silver-leaved beauties that have only just started into growth. Through bitter experience, I have found that it is better to wait a couple of weeks until at least 1" of new young growth is showing.  You can always cut back later, but too…
So spring is here and the summer and fall-blooming shrubs need to be pruned—right? Well, yes and no. Don't be in a rush. Beware of pruning too early, especially those silver-leaved beauties that have only just started into growth. Through bitter experience, I have found that it is better to wait a couple…

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