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Purchasing a Lilac Can Be Tricky: Not All Lilacs Are Fragrant

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Lilac (genus: Syringa) is a deciduous shrub that's most known for its pleasing fragrance and lilac colored flowers. There are literally hundreds of different varieties of lilacs, ranging in color from deep purple and lilac (hence the name), to white and pink. And from pleasingly fragrant, to not at all fragrant, to downright unpleasant smelling (Japanese tree lilac).  Often when purchasing a lilac the blooms are not open, so it's impossible to tell whether it will be fragrant, and what…
Lilac (genus: Syringa) is a deciduous shrub that's most known for its pleasing fragrance and lilac colored flowers. There are literally hundreds of different varieties of lilacs, ranging in color from deep purple and lilac (hence the name), to white and pink. And from pleasingly fragrant, to not at all fragrant, to downright unpleasant smelling (Japanese tree lilac).  Often when…

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