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Sharing What I Know About Vitamin D

Category: Presenting "The Curious Gardener"

Preventing Bone Density Loss From Lack of Vitamin D--  The sun used to play a bigger role in delivering vitamin D to our bones. But concerns about the damaging rays of the sun have caused most people to cover up or wear sunscreen whenever they go outside. My dermatologist insists I use a facial moisturizer with sunscreen to protect my face, and I do. But if you cover up, the vitamin D is not absorbed-- it's as simple as that.…
Preventing Bone Density Loss From Lack of Vitamin D--  The sun used to play a bigger role in delivering vitamin D to our bones. But concerns about the damaging rays of the sun have caused most people to cover up or wear sunscreen whenever they go outside. My dermatologist insists I use a facial moisturizer with sunscreen to protect my…

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